Dream Catcher.


Processed with VSCO with av8 presetThis intervention uses the symbol of a dream catcher to help “catch” or “filter out” negative experiences, thoughts, and feelings.

  1. Use the feathers and beads hanging from the bottom of your catcher to represent positivity and support. Perhaps draw in names of supportive people, words of affirmation, and use your favorite colors.
  2. Gather all your negative thoughts, feelings, trauma, pain, and hurt, and place it in the large circle of your dream catcher.
  3. Use a ruler and a marker to trace your web- trapping your negative images and words inside of your catcher.

The act of physically drawing a web over painful imagery and thoughts allows us to feel empowered. Enacting this creative process delivers a message to our brain that says: “I have control over my chaos.” Additionally, the feathers and beads representing support and positivity balance out the more negative image above to remind us of our strengths against our storm.

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